The key aim of the Global Tropics Future Young Scholars program is to engage students who have an aptitude for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and connect them with peers who share their interest.
Our model has been developed to focus on the delivery of enrichment programs in which students can build a portfolio of learning experiences and participate in inquiry and problem solving opportunities. These opportunities will focus on authentic, real world STEM challenges and research.
Learning has been designed to extend and challenge a student's interest and learning beyond the Australian Curriculum.
The learning experiences will be delivered through a blend of innovative, real time, online learning, face-to-face workshops and participation in clubs and pop up opportunities.
Linking all of these experiences is a commitment to increase accessibility and harness the power of likeminded collaboration and deep learning. Key elements of deep learning are:
- content will be informed by the emerging sciences and current global STEM challenges and thinking
- methods of problem solving, inquiry, critical thinking, creativity, curiosity and collaboration underpin design of tasks
- partnerships with James Cook University and likeminded industry which support authenticity, currency and innovation of learning experiences.
Members of the Global Tropics Future Young Scholars cohort can step in and out of opportunities based on their aspiration, interest and point in time school experience. Students however remain part of the Global Tropics Future Young Scholars community of like minds.