As a Global Tropics Future Young Scholars, a student will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face and collaborate with their peers at workshops in a range of locations.
These workshops will focus on particular fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and present an opportunity for students to become hands on in developing their knowledge, skills and connection with STEM.
Through our partnerships with James Cook University, industry and other likeminded STEM organisations the scope of these workshops will be authentic, real world and current. The workshops will be diverse in content and approach but will share a common theme of STEM in a Global Tropics Future.
The workshops will provide exciting an opportunities for students to work with experts and role models in a range of STEM fields.
Engineering workshops
Students will explore aerodynamics using wind tunnels and fast prototyping. They will also undergo a challenge to project an object the least amount of distance. Students will be taken on a tour of James Cook University’s new Science Place as well as their cyclone testing station.